Tuesday, 28 June 2016




Adorno believes that capitalists create music videos to give us false needs, false needs are things that we as consumers think matters however it does not for example who is going to die next on your favourite television programme. Adorno said that false needs are created so that it takes away our attention from how much the government is messing up our country.


Hebdige is the opposite to Adorno as he believed that people interpret music videos differently because we all have free thoughts, this therefore creates subcultures due to our different interpretations for example: emo. These subcultures popularity creates music taste changes in the future as they create niches in the market.


Negus believes that there are two ways of thinking about potential artists coming into the market, these are the organic ideology of creativity and the synthetic ideology of creativity. The organic ideology of creativity is a long term solution as it makes sure that the artists success is sustained, it also focuses on albums and the record company enhance the artists image, an example of a organic artist would be Michael Jackson as his legacy in music has been carried on for a long time even after his death.
The synthetic ideology of creativity is a short term solution and create a lot of artists that are one to four hit wonders, this means that they focus on singles as the artist might not be around long enough to create an album. The record company acts differently to the organic record company as it constructs the artists image so it isn't actually their real personality. Examples of this are Girls Aloud where they took five single artists and put them together on a singing show to create them, therefore they have artificially created the band.


Dyers main beliefs are to do with the stars in multimedia such as music, radio and television. He believes that stars have key features in common and that a star is an image not a real person, the image is created due to things like advertising as it can brainwash people into thinking that is what the artist is really like. He also states that stars are commodities and that they are consumed on their strength of meaning and that they depend on the subsidiaries in media like TV and Radio to construct their image. He believes in two paradoxes: the first is that a star is ordinary and extra-ordinary at the same time, this means that the ordinary is where you see them going to the supermarket for example as it is a normal thing to do and the extra-ordinary is where they have/do something that isn't normal such as owning a lion as a pet. 
The second paradox is where the star is absent and also present as people read things about the artist in magazines and it creates the illusion that they know the artist personally whereas in reality they do not. 

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